BAPTC banner

Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives

A world class model trading center that empowers farmers and offers quality and safe agricultural products for the consumers.

Building avenues for farmers and buyers to have better access through participatory capability building and provision of innovative technologies and quality facilities, collectively aimed at bringing desirable change towards inclusive growth and development.


Goal 1. BAPTC as a Center of Excellence
– trading area
– showcase
– learning center
– farmer as entreprenuer

Goal 2. BAPTC as a Socio-Economic Enterprise

  • Multi-Sectoral Cooperation
  • Profit-People-Philippines


  1. Address the challenges of the increasing trade on high value crops, especially the vulnerability of vegetable commodity grown in Benguet and the neighboring provinces
  2. Regulate the flow of produce in the Province of Benguet
  3. Allow greater and more direct access of the local farmers to the trading center, including the establishment of a pre- and post-processing facility
  4. Ensure compliance with and strict adherence to quality standards and food safety regulations and policies through proper labeling of produce, and
  5. Implement security and control mechanism that will regulate and monitor the trading activities within the premises and its immediate surroundings